Industrial Potatoes And Non-Industrial Potatoes

Industrial Potatoes

Potato planting comes from subtropical areas, this plant is a source of carbohydrates that grow in the highlands (at least 1000 m) above sea level. Industrial Potatoes commonly used for the processing of potato chips, french fries and dehydrate potatoes.

The physical of this type of potato are smaller in size and not too yellow color of the potato flesh. The criteria for processed potatoes are high specific gravity (SG) and starch, but lower sugar and water content. Our production capacity reaches 100-200 MT/Month.

Non-Industrial Potatoes

Non-Industrial potatoes are commonly used for processed vegetables (soups). Besides from being a source of carbohydrates, potatoes are an excellent source of vitamin C and vitamin B6, also rich in minerals, potassium and iron. High carbohydrate content but low fat and low calories, making potatoes a good alternative for the body.

The physical of this type of potato is its size is large and its shape is slightly oval. Another plus of this potato is resistant to PVA, PLRV, as well as sensitive to rot and bacteria. Our production capacity reaches 300-400 MT/Month.

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